Notorious for mixing a wide range of music influences and their explosive live performance,
Terrestrial Soulz is emerging as one of Salt Lake City's premiere Funk/Rock/Hip Hop bands.
Founded in 2021 by Dan ‘BassManDan’ DeJesus and Daniel 'Martian Textilez' Houston Terrestrial Soulz started making waves in the local scene after releasing singles off their debut EP “Crash Landed”.
In 2022 they started working on re-mastering Crash Landed and playing shows with new members drummer Kale Despot and guitar player Eric Mckenna. Since then they have released a full album, two singles and three music videos.

Terrestrial Soulz is currently in the studio!
Future album “Third Rock From The Sun”
and getting ready to hit the road in 2024.
Thank you!